Stylistic musical diversity combined with youthful freshness is the hallmark of the Duo Sonoma, consisting of Mira Gregorič, violin, and Sara Gregorič, guitar. Having grown up with a wide range of musical backgrounds, the two musicians are always open to new things. [more]
S tilno glasbena raznolikost, povezana z mladostno svežino je oznaka Dua Sonoma, ki ga sestavljata Mira Gregorič, violina, in Sara Gregorič, kitara.
Glasbeno raznoliko sta above glasbenici odraščali, vedno odprti za new. [več]
A violin and two guitars can be heard unmistakably when the daughters play music with their father or vice versa, when the father plays music with his daughters.
From an early age, the two daughters Sara (guitar) and Mira (violin) were used to listening to their father Janez Gregorič playing the guitar. [more]
Enkratni zvoki violin in dveh kitar, ko glasbeno ustvarjata hčerki z očetom ali obratno, oče s hčerkama.
Od malih nog sta hčerki Sara (kitara) in Mira (violina) bili navajeni poslušati očeta Janeza Gregoriča, ki je igral kitaro, kmalu pa je oče poslušal hčere, kako ustvarjajo glasbo. [več]
tri VIA Duo Sonoma feat. Paul Schuberth
In 2023, Mira and Sara Gregorič - already well known as "Duo Sonoma" at the Vienna Cultural Summer - invited the Upper Austrian accordion player Paul Schuberth to perform a few concerts together. It was a special honor for Schuberth to be able to immerse himself in the sound universe developed by the Gregorič sisters over 20 years!
The rare instrumentation of violin, guitar and accordion alone offers a wealth of expressive possibilities: the delicate and gentle need not hide behind the explosive, and both combine here to create flights of fancy and depth... [ more ]
The SONUS International Music Workshop with a focus on chamber music is a cultural initiative in the bilingual region of southern Carinthia. Music everywhere, lots of fun, lots of hard work and togetherness are the cornerstones of our Sonus Chamber Music Workshop, which will also feature three first-class concerts. [more]
Mednarodna glasbena delavnica SONUS s težiščem komorne glasbe je kulturna pobuda na dvojezičnem območju južne Koroške. Glasba na vseh koncih in Krajih, veliko zabave, veliko pridnosti in skupnosti so stebri naše delavnice za komorno glasbo Sonus, ki bo lahko postregla tudi s tremi vrhunskimi koncerti. [več]
The term TRIVIUM stands for an interdisciplinary and cross-border encounter between artists from the Alpine-Adriatic region.
On August 14, 2000, on the initiative of guitarist Janez Gregorič, the first TRIVIUM was held by the organizer SKD Globasnica (Slovensko kulturno društvo Globasnica / Slovenian Cultural Association Globasnitz). [more]
The TRIVIUM is also available in the Czech Republic and is located in the Alpsko-Jadran region.
August 14, 2000, the author of the SKD Globasnica (Slovensko kulturno društvo Globasnica) povabil na prvi TRIVIUM. [več]